Stepping aside for a moment...
This blog in the SMH got me thinking…as a modern new age kinda gal, how do I feel about feminism and where do I fit in?
They’re completely different questions, so first. I believe I am a feminist. I believe that woman can do anything and more often than not, can do it better. That being said, I think what our foremothers fought so hard for was not the duty to be everything, but the choice to do what we want.
That being said, I chose to be the one who does most of the cooking and cleaning…and I chose to scream like a girl whenever a moth gets inside. I do 90% of the grocery shopping, cook 90% of the meals, do 70% of the cleaning, do 70% of the washing and wave my hands dismissively at whatever’s broken, too high up, too heavy or too icky 100% of the time.
TNB is a great cook, and lived on his own long enough to know how to do everything for himself. So when he does cook, clean, wash and shop…I love the night off. But I enjoy these little domesticities. As long as he appreciates my efforts and doesn’t grow to expect it…we’ll be fine. Lads, this is the key. If she cooks for you, say “wow, this looks really good. Thanks!” It doesn’t take much! TNB cooking for me once a week or so makes the rest of my week! If you vacuum once in a while, I forget that I did it the rest of the time. I don’t know why…but that’s how we work. If I’ve washed a load of towels, hung them out then brought them back inside and I come home to find them folded and in the cupboard, I’ll be just as grateful as I would be had you washed and dried them yourself.
This blog in the SMH got me thinking…as a modern new age kinda gal, how do I feel about feminism and where do I fit in?
They’re completely different questions, so first. I believe I am a feminist. I believe that woman can do anything and more often than not, can do it better. That being said, I think what our foremothers fought so hard for was not the duty to be everything, but the choice to do what we want.
That being said, I chose to be the one who does most of the cooking and cleaning…and I chose to scream like a girl whenever a moth gets inside. I do 90% of the grocery shopping, cook 90% of the meals, do 70% of the cleaning, do 70% of the washing and wave my hands dismissively at whatever’s broken, too high up, too heavy or too icky 100% of the time.
TNB is a great cook, and lived on his own long enough to know how to do everything for himself. So when he does cook, clean, wash and shop…I love the night off. But I enjoy these little domesticities. As long as he appreciates my efforts and doesn’t grow to expect it…we’ll be fine. Lads, this is the key. If she cooks for you, say “wow, this looks really good. Thanks!” It doesn’t take much! TNB cooking for me once a week or so makes the rest of my week! If you vacuum once in a while, I forget that I did it the rest of the time. I don’t know why…but that’s how we work. If I’ve washed a load of towels, hung them out then brought them back inside and I come home to find them folded and in the cupboard, I’ll be just as grateful as I would be had you washed and dried them yourself.
On the flip side though, I work full time and have lived on my own for over a year now, paying my own bills and opening my own jars. I certainly don't want to be a stay at home anything. So is that a contradiction? Is the essence of feminism the ability to be a contradiction?
So there’s my feminine take on things. I know people read this but don’t comment but if you get a sec…let me know how things work with you. Feel free to post anonymously if that helps!
So there’s my feminine take on things. I know people read this but don’t comment but if you get a sec…let me know how things work with you. Feel free to post anonymously if that helps!
At 11:53 pm, Anonymous said…
I'm sorry, the story you have written is too long. To obtain a special typing wand please mash the keyboard with your palm now *dsfkcjcvhjdvlcvlvsdjksdvkskcv*
Get a facebook already! cave dammit! CAAAAAAAAVE!
Hearts you
At 4:01 pm, Elle said…
Awww! i heart you too!
I'm not facebooking! I am, however, wearing my new skirt tomorrow!
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