Girl_N3xt_Door (and slightly round the bend)

Friday, January 04, 2008

Merry freaking whatever and a happy new year!

I was re-reading some old posts and I can’t believe how crap I’ve been in updating! I’m not going to promise to update more, because I know it won’t happen and I’m not going to list a new bunch of New Year’s resolutions because I know that’s not going to happen either.

This year’s setting itself up to be an interesting one. I’m going to turn 23 this year and for some reason this birthday is affecting me more than any of the others. When I turned 20 I was thankful to get rid of the ‘teen’ stigma attached to it. It was also the age that I moved out of home and decided to lead a grown up existence. I think that was the last age I remember not being broke.
21 had no affect on me age wise – it was a chance for a birthday party and the first time I started associating life goals with ages. It was also one of the hardest ages so far. That was the year I broke up with my first serious bf and the year my life goals moved out too. For the first time I was living on my own.
22 was ok, because I could ditch the ‘I’m 21 lets go crash a frat party’ perception. 21 year olds in America are bratty. Because our legal age is 18 – by the time we’ve reached 21 we’ve generally grown out of it. Seems like everyone over the age of 25 has forgotten that and when you say you’re 21 they look at you like they’re expecting you to drink your weight in vodka and strip. 22 was the age that I’d naively pencilled in to get engaged – yeah right.
Now 23’s on the way and I feel like I knew more about myself and what I wanted from life when I was 21. I thought you were supposed to become more grounded and mature the older you got! At this stage I’ll be drinking my weight in vodka and stripping by the time I reach 30! (ps – you’re all invited to THAT birthday party!)
This was also supposed to be the year of the wedding. Instead – I’ve been asked to be a bridesmaid at my 19 year old sisters wedding scheduled for this year…ouch!

I’m also set to live on my own again for 3 months of this year. TNB’s off for 3 months so that’s going to be a bit of a test that I’m looking forward to having over and done with.

I’m trying to take some time off in 2 weeks to sort the apartment out – it feels like it’s got no soul. Does that make sense? Going home feels like returning to a rather large motel room. I’d like to turn it into something we both look forward to coming home to – but getting the time off is proving to be a bit of a fight. I’ll let you know.

This is the year that I’d like to pay off my debts and sadly say goodbye to an old friend. Gypsy – you’ve been great, it’s not me it’s you. Unfortunately, replacing her will mean a brand new debt! w00t!

That’s all from me – I’m heading over to my parents place for birthday dinner tonight.

Welcome to 2008, I hope it’s as uncertain for you as it is for me. Afterall, if you don’t have plans and you don’t have goals you can’t be let down and you can only be surprised! Everyone loves surprises!


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