Girl_N3xt_Door (and slightly round the bend)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Merry Freaking Whatever

Well peeps, Christmas has come and gone and New Years is just around the corner. I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the year that was…

· I moved out of home for the first time and in with the guy I was pretty sure I was going to marry – we’d been together 3 ½ years
· I worked ridiculous hours at a job I was damn good at – but that pissed off the other PA I was working ‘with’. She screwed me over. More on that after the next point.
· I turned 21 – I’m now legal WORLD WIDE! Because it was on a Monday – I took the day off.
· I was asked to leave said job by said pathetic PA because I took a day off when it was ‘un-necessary”. Thanks John Howard.
· I started a new job, which I’m currently still at, and I’m not working 8am to 9pm!
· I broke up with the guy I was pretty sure I was going to marry and he moved out. 4 years.
· I’ve now lived out of home…and on my own

· I've lost 10kg since this time last year (22 pounds!)
· I’ve got a new denim skirt (I think…)
· I made some new friends…re-connected with some old ones…watched 2 of my best friends get engaged and turn 21…all in the space of a few months!
· Lost some good friends because of the break-up
· Learned a hell of a lot and probably forgot some important stuff I used to know

What I’ve got planned for the New Year

· Find a new place…and a flatmate
· Start dancing again
· Get my shit together. I want to be more organised!
· Have friends over more often – I’m starting in January with a Rocky-a-thon. If you’d like an invite, leave me a comment and I’ll make sure you’re included.
· Get my RSA + RCG, then see if I can get casual bar work for a few months
· Use this new found income to go on a holiday!
· Go out with friends more. More dinners, more girl’s weekends, more lunches, and more coffees! (Or in my case-tea’s!)
· Take more photo’s – and actually do something with them!

I’m sure there’s many more…but this will do for now.

I hope everyone else’s year has been as much as a roller coaster as mine – because although it was full of ups and downs…damn it was fun!

Happy New Year everyone! I’ll see you in 2007!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Got Time For A Quickie?

I've actually got work to do this morning, so this will be a quick post with a couple of shout outs.

Shout out 1 - To Nathan
I can't believe we keep missing each other whenever I go somewhere! How was Sussex for you? Was there much silliness? My phone's not working properly - so I figured this was as good as a text message.
PS - As soon as I got the tickets to SS, I thought of you!

Shout out 2 - To Jenny
I put my flair on the tree last night. Got covered in glitter and decided to take some pics for you to post here. Then realised that my camera didn't have batteries and I couldn't find any! I'll buy some more batteries tonight and post you a pic of the tree with it's delightful 'tree topper'.

Speaking of pics (nice segue!)

Here's some pics of the girl's night Saturday night

Here's Jenny, Me, Jenny, Mandy and Belindaa! (that's not a typo - but it's an "in joke")

Behold the splendor of the chocolate fountain!

Man - we were SO SICK after - but it was soooo gooooooood!

Yes - this is me with my finger in the fountain :)

This is the only photo I've got of Bec that night - so it's going on!

Shout out 3 - To Chris
Went to Chris' on Friday night for Thai and shenanigans - and I'm kicking myself that not once did we say "You like Thai?" "Sure, you like shirt?"
PS - How fly is he?

Music in my head: Kasey Chambers - Nothing to Loose

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Picture Updates!

Here are some pics from the awesome weekend at Sussex!

This one is the view from the verandah. In it, you can see the BBQ that turns all modern day men into Tarzan/Caveman.

From the bank (near said BBQ) this is the view to the left

This is the beach that you can see in the not to distant...distant.

This is straight ahead, artistically zoomed in on some wildlife (Go Jess!)

This is a duck. I know you can all see it's a duck...but what you don't know is that it is a ninja duck!

Don't let the lovely BR Green head fool you! Don't be hoodwinked by it's carefully turned in feet! This duck has powers man! ...or so I've been told

This is us set up in a shady spot under the trees - beer sold seperately

And here I am making friends with the wildlife. I love the way pictures can capture a moment in time and it looks completely innocent. No one has any proof that I made the kangaroo a toupee out of grass then watched him try to figure out where the grass was falling from.

This was - quite possibly - the cutest part of the weekend. This little mama and her not so little beh-beh hung around quite a lot

I mean, seriously, look at it's feet! That's so freaking COOL!

And below you'll see me driving Gypsy back home

On another update - I got tickets to Scissor Sisters (thank you Chris) WOOT!